Monday, September 10, 2012


Today I learned a lot about perspective.  I started the day off really early.  Because of different situations that arose over the weekend I was not able to make it into my classroom to prepare for this week.  I knew I needed a few hours of preparation under my belt just to get today started so I went to school really early.  I DO NOT like to be in the school alone...I think it is so eery!  When I arrived this morning it was still pitch black outside.  I used my phone as my flashlight as I made my way down the dark hall to my classroom.  I was trying to be quick and efficient with my keys so that I could turn some lights on but the harder I tried the more flustered I became.  I don't know what I thought was going to get me in the dark hall but I was sure something would!  The morning went well but time when faster than I would have wished and I was still a little flustered to start the day out.  The kids were great today and I should have focused on them more than the fact that I didn't feel 150% prepared.  It wasn't until after school that things were put back into perspective for the first of many times today.  A mom of one of my girls came in and told me the cutest thing that her daughter said over the weekend.  The girl was talking to her brother who was quite concerned about something.  She turned to him and gave him some of her 5 year-old words of wisdom: "My primary teacher taught me that you can pray and Heavenly Father will help you.  And Miss Sharp taught me that after I pray I need to tell myself, 'I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!'"  Yeah, it is not about having the perfect lesson plan but it is about helping the little kiddos understand that they are of worth and they can do many things.
Once the school day was over I zipped out of school to finish up this project.  
I bought it from a KSL ad for $10.  Tish needs another storage unit in her bedroom and I thought it would be fun to finish it and surprise her with it.  I worked on it most of the day on Saturday with a lot of little kinks.  I had just enough time today to finish it before she got back from a long weekend of being home.  After picking up some tools and supplies I was ready to get to work!  I was driving home on 200 east and I was most definitely following all traffic laws.  I passed a police man and thought happily to myself, "I am thankful that I am going the speed limit."  He did pull out behind me but I figured he was just changing positions.  Nope.  When we got through the stoplight his lights went on.  I went into a panic!  What did I do wrong?!  As he approached my window I was just dying.  He said, "Miss, do you realize that your registration expired at the end of July?"  What?  WHAT?!  Where have I been!  No, I hadn't realized!  Ahhh!  He gave me a warning and sent me on my way.  My first stop was the county building to get the registration rolling.  I feel so clueless...registering my car was the last thing on my mind.  I finally made it home and things were going good.  There were a few parts that needed some paint touch-ups.  Since they were only touch-ups I figured I could throw down a plastic drop cloth on my bedroom floor and do it right there.  I was right on time to be finished at 4:15.  Suddenly, I felt something cool on my leg and looked down to find the whole quart of red paint tipped over and gushing out.  I still don't know how it tipped over but I think I just watched it in utter shock for 10 seconds before I could think to do something.  Luckily the drop cloth caught it all, as well as my favorite pair of skinnies!  I was devastated.  I soaked them in some water and soap for a few hours hoping that some miracle would occur but this is what they still look like.  There is no hope for these things.  I may just wear them as they are because I love them so much so please don't laugh at me:)  By this time it was 4:25 and I was supposed to be to the doctor by 4:30.  
I hopped in the car and sped over.  I figured I would have to get my blood drawn to test muscle inflammation and I did.  This was the one plus of the day...only two vials of blood instead of the normal six!  Wahoo!  
 I rushed home once again and put the finishing touches on the dresser/shelf/whatever you want to call it.  I rolled it into Tish's room, still thinking about the stress of it all and my ruined pants, etc., etc., etc.  And then things were put into perspective again.  I was reminded why I wanted to do it all in the first place!  Who cares about the time and the messes made because it should have been all about love.  Tish was so grateful and that put me back in my place.  I needed to be more grateful too.  Up to that point in my day, all I could focus on were the things that were going wrong.  I needed to be more grateful for the things that went right.  Perspective.  

 To finish off the day I went to the Brigham City Temple Open House and that really put things into the eternal perspective.  Oh my goodness, that temple is beautiful!  I am secretly hoping that I marry someone who has some special ties to Brigham City so I have a legitimate excuse for getting married there:)  The spirit within the temple was overwhelming and all of a sudden my horrible day turned into a magnificent one.  Thanks for the change of perspective.


  1. Your storage unit looks wonderful, and your perspective on life is inspiring.

  2. Hope you don't mind my reading but...That's quite the transformation of that little storage unit! You even went all out with silver nobs! It looks a lot better than the one that I tried fixing up a few weeks ago. P.S. I can totally relate to the vehicle registration thing. It seems like every year it creeps up on me. Also, I've noticed that the police tend to hang out closer to that part of town (probably because it is nearer to the station) but at least he only gave you a warning.
